SqView for Android
SqView for Android Mobile APK 2.4 - October 1 2021

SqView for Android Mobile - Google Play

SqView for Android Tablet APK 1.5 - August 22 2021

SqView for Android Tablet - Google Play

SqView 9.19.2 for PC
Download SqView 9.19.2 with Cue Sheets, Callerlab lists & definitions - June 2, 2024

Helpfile including download and installation instructions in PDF- June 2, 2024

Update SqView from 9.x.x to 9.19.2

Download SqView 9.19.2 with update instructions  - March 13, 2024

Download Utility Database with Cuesheets - June 2, 2024

Download HTML Cuesheets - June 2, 2024

Callerlab Lists & Definitions
Download Callerlab Lists & Definitions HTML - March 13, 2024

Download Callerlab Lists & Definitions PDF - March 13, 2024

Download Callerlab Lists & Definition Help file - March 2013, 2024

Helpfile in Japanese
Download Help file  for SqView 9.x January 7 2014
Download Help file  for SqView 7.x May 20 2009

SqView on Windows by Barry Johnson
Download PDF for SqView 9.x May 2, 2019

Sample Choreography
Choreography - November 17, 2023

Other tools for Callers:

Name Converter (Changes "All You Need Is Love - SIR 0353" to "SIR 0353 - All You Need Is Love")

SD by Bill Ackerman

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